
The scale of change, uncertainty and loss associated with the worldwide pandemic has been unprecedented, and many people struggled to cope. Managing fears around COVID-19, daily reports of infections and deaths, vaccinations, job insecurity, endless media speculation on top of a series of social restrictions and lockdowns, have taken a toll on the wellbeing of many adults. We continue to learn about the impacts this pandemic is having on the mental health of our children and young people, who often don’t have the resources, support or life experience to help them cope with the ongoing and changing demands of remote learning, social isolation and safety concerns.

Drawing from the research and wisdom of the Seasons for Growth programs, MacKillop Seasons has have partnered with Professor Anne Graham AO, Director of the Centre for Children and Young People at Southern Cross University to develop the ‘Seasons Toolkit: Riding the Waves of Change’. The toolkit is a free online video learning resource with discussion prompts to support young people understand and manage the social and emotional impacts of the pandemic.

This toolkit is suitable for all young people of high school age and may be suitable for some Year 6 student school groups. 

A facilitator guide and handouts are available for professional use and are attached below.


View more about The Seasons Toolkit: Ride the Waves of Change