
Lockyer District State High School in Gatton, Queensland, is supporting students to participate in the Seasons for Growth program, designed specifically to help students to build knowledge and capacity to respond well to their experiences of change, loss and grief.
The local community in Southeast Queensland has been greatly impacted by natural disasters and the schools’ wellbeing team frequently encounters students affected by grief, loss, and change, including issues such as parental separation, bereavement, the cost-of-living crisis, and changes in friendships.

The school has worked with MacKillop Seasons under the Seasons for Life initiative, to train two staff members in the Seasons for Growth Children and Young Peoples Program, successfully delivering multiple small group programs within the school.  Staff have furthered their professional development by participating in the Seasons for Life supplementary training and becoming active members of the Mackillop Seasons Online Community.

High school students have been referred to the Seasons for Growth program through self-referrals, caregivers, teachers and wellbeing staff. All of the students have experienced grief, loss and/or change in the past 24 months.  School Social Worker, Krystle Barclay said that many of the students have reported an increase in feeling comfortable talking about their life changes and loved ones who have passed, in a more positive way.  “Students have been able to build positive friend relationships with previously unknown peers, that have been maintained post program. The students have greatly benefited from the resources provided as it means they are able to reflect on their learning from the group when they need a reminder that change is a part of life and want to look at their skills learned to assist with adapting to change and loss.  “We appreciate the support from Mackillop Seasons and the funding from the Seasons for Life initiative,” added Krystle.

Funded by the Department of Health and Aged Care (2022-25) under the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Support Program, Seasons for Life is overseen by a national Advisory Group and will be evaluated by Professor Myfanwy Maple and Associate Professor Sarah Wayland at the University of New England. Schools that engage in the Seasons for Life initiative will be invited to participate in this evaluation.

Click here for further information on Seasons for Life and how schools can get involved.