Testament to Bernadette's relationship with the children and knowing that they had heard positive feedback from children who participated in groups the previous year, Bernadette humbly insisted that ‘the magic is in the program’, and she just loves supporting children through it.
Bernadette is a Student Wellbeing Officer based in a primary school with the Pastoral Chaplaincy Program at Catholic Care Wollongong, she trained in the Seasons for Growth program in 2023. Bernadette has found the program a wonderful way to connect with and support her students. As a recently trained Companion, she looks back on the students she has supported over the years and can see that the program could have assisted so many of them. Believing the learnings can be used across all aspects of wellbeing, Bernadette is a staunch advocate for the program in supporting children following their experiences of change, loss and grief – something that is a key part of her role.
Bernadette loved the training, and felt the training could have continued for longer than the 2 days - It was so enjoyable! It was great to put the learnings into practice and she found it helpful to consolidate her knowledge by taking the program into schools as soon as possible.
In the short time that she has been trained Bernadette has run several groups across 2 schools and is excited to continue her journey later this year running a group for children transitioning to high school, noting the impact for the group she supported last year with this transition. After initial resistance, being ‘too cool for school’ the students championed the program and in the celebration session, shared how much they learnt and how they were utilising their new-found knowledge to manage their often-overwhelming feelings. One student described the skills they were practicing to manage their anger – something their parent confirmed was going well.
One group discussed the "Telling Only My Own Story" guideline. This was a significant factor because a couple of the group members had lost faith in sharing their story with friends as their confidentiality had been breached when the friends shared their personal information outside their friend group. The Seasons for Growth group provided a wonderful way to touch on high school nuances and how to carefully share with friends and to always have a trusted adult to confide in.
There were so many stories that had stayed with Bernadette. The joy she feels from being able to provide care and support for students through the program is evident, as she reflected on the learnings for the children and being a part of their journey, assisting them as they move through significant change and loss experiences with the support of the Seasons for Growth small group program.
Bernadette is keen to support her school community by delivering the Seasons for Growth Adult Program to provide holistic assistance for families with the changes they encounter. Bernadette is well aware that by providing support to parents, we also support their children.