
The Disaster Recovery Team had a terrific week in Mallacoota delivering the Stormbirds program to a class of grade 3-4 children.

Community Resilience Officer, Wendy Ronalds reflects: “We had lots of fun and many valuable insights were gained. Staff received Stormbirds training in Term 3 2022, and we were delighted to share this program with the students last month. It was an intense but very rewarding week as we all got to know one another and share stories of change, loss, and grief.

“In our final celebration session, we shared our learning journey with the children’s parents and caregivers. The room was buzzing with excitement, and we were so grateful for all the parents and carers who came along.

“During the week we were able to run a session for parents on how to support their children following big events such as fires and pandemics, and we also ran a similar session for the school staff. The feedback from these sessions was extremely positive. This was summed up beautifully by one of our participants, “Such a valuable program that you have shared with us. Thank you so much. Our children will benefit from their learnings throughout their lives.”

“I would like to thank the community of Mallacoota for welcoming me to share Stormbirds. It was a terrific week full of hope and healing and very special friendships were made,” Wendy said.

Some of the feedback we received from the children who participated in the program included:

  • I loved it!
  • Thank you so much. I loved it.
  • I really enjoyed learning new stuff like how feelings can change
  • Thank you so much for teaching us about feelings. Feelings are great
  • Thank you for doing Stormbirds with us. I learned a lot of things
  • Thank you for Stormbirds. I loved getting to know you. I loved the activities.

